B. Richieri, D. Bittner, A. Hartmann, P. Benettin, B.M. van Breukelen, D. Labat and G. Chiogna, Using continuous electrical conductivity measurements to derive major solute concentrations in karst systems, 2022 - under review in Hydrological Processes
V. Sivelle, H. Jourde, D. Bittner, B. Richieri, D. Labat, A. Hartmann and G. Chiogna, Considering land cover and land use (LCLU) in lumped parameter modeling in forest dominated karst catchments, 2022 - under review in Journal of Hydrology
D. Bittner, M. Engel, B. Wohlmuth, D. Labat and G. Chiogna, Temporal-scale dependent sensitivity analysis for hydrological model parameters using discrete wavelet transform and active subspaces, 2021 - Water Resources Research
D. Bittner, B. Richieri and G. Chiogna, Unravelling the time-dependent relevance of model input uncertainties for a lumped hydrologic model of a pre-alpine karst system, 2021 - Hydrogeology Journal
V. Sivelle, H. Jourde, D. Bittner, N. Mazzilli and Y. Tramblay, Assessment of the relative impacts of climate changes and anthropogenic forcing on spring discharge of a Mediterranean karst system, 2021 - Journal of Hydrology
D. Bittner, A. Rychlik, T. Klöffel, A. Leuteritz, M. Disse and G. Chiogna, A GIS-based model for simulating the hydrological impacts of land use changes on karst systems - The integration of the LuKARS model into FREEWAT, 2020 - Environmental Modelling & Software
T. Olarinoye, [...], D. Bittner, [...] and A. Hartmann (57 co-authors), Global karst springs hydrograph dataset for research and management of the world's fastest flowing groundwater, 2020 - Nature Scientific Data
D. Bittner, M. Teixeira Parente, S. Mattis, B. Wohlmuth and G. Chiogna, Identifying relevant hydrological and catchment properties in active subspaces: An inference study of a lumped karst aquifer model, 2020 - Advances in Water Resources
S. Teschemacher, D. Bittner and M. Disse, Automated location detection of retention and detention basins for water management, 2020 - Water
M. Teixeira Parente, D. Bittner, S. Mattis, G. Chiogna and B. Wohlmuth, Bayesian calibration and sensitivity analysis for a karst aquifer model using active subspaces, 2019 - Water Resources Research
T. Sheikhy Narany, D. Bittner, M. Disse and G. Chiogna, Spatial and temporal variability in hydrochemistry of a small scale dolomite karst environment, 2019 - Environmental Earth Sciences
D. Bittner, T. Sheikhy Narany, B. Kohl, M. Disse and G. Chiogna, Modeling the hydrological impacts of land use change in a dolomite-dominated karst system, 2018 - Journal of Hydrology
DWA - German Association for Water, Wastewater and Waste, Merkblatt DWA M-922 - Bodenhydrologische Kartierung und Modellierung, 2020 - DWA
V. Sivelle, H. Jourde, D. Bittner, N. Mazzilli and Y. Tramblay, Relative impacts of climate change and anthropogenic forcing on karst spring discharge forecasting of a Mediterranean catchment, 2021 - PICO at EGU virtual conference
D. Bittner, M. Teixeira Parente, S. Mattis, B. Wohlmuth, M. Disse and G. Chiogna, How to model the impacts of land use changes in karstic environments: Model development, parameter dimension reduction and uncertainty quantification, 2019 - talk at IAH conference, Málaga, Spain
D. Bittner,
M. Teixeira Parente, S. Mattis, B. Wohlmuth and G. Chiogna,
Parameter dimension reduction using the active subspace method for a
lumped karst aquifer model, 2019 - talk at EGU conference, Vienna, Austria
D. Bittner, M. Disse, T. Sheikhy Narany and G. Chiogna, Modelling the impact of land use change on drinking water supply in a karstic system, 2018 - talk at EGU conference, Vienna, Austria
D. Bittner and M. Casper, A coupled modeling approach to assess the surface water - groundwater interactions for the Middle Elbe on regional scale, 2016 - talk at GeoTirol conference, Innsbruck, Austria
D. Bittner, PPCP’s in river basins affected by mine drainage - A challenge for future contamination assessment, 2020 - Interreg boDEREC-CE mid-term conference, Munich, Germany.
D. Bittner, Uncertainty quantification in modeling karst water resources and the impacts of land use changes, 2020 - Seminar at HSM, University of Montpellier, France.
D. Bittner, A. Rychlik, T. Klöffel and G. Chiogna, Modeling the hydrological impact of land use change using the LuKARS plugin for FREEWAT, 2019 - talk at 2nd International LIFE REWAT Summer School, Pisa, Italy
D. Bittner, M. Teixeira Parente, S. Mattis, B. Wohlmuth and G. Chiogna, Uncertainty quantification in modeling karst water resources and the impacts of land use changes, 2018 - Universität Trier, Forschungskolloquium der Physischen Geographie, Trier, Germany
D. Bittner and G. Chiogna, PROLINE-CE - Efficient Practices of Land Use Management Integreting Water Resources Protection and Non-structural Flood Mitigation Experciences, 2017 - talk at AK Bodenschutz und Gewässerschutz, Bayerische Landesanstalt für Landwirtschaft, Freising, Germany
D. Bittner, M. Disse and G. Chiogna, Trinkwasserschutz und Landwirtschaft - Wie schützen wir nachhaltig unser Trinkwasser, 2017 - talk at Jahreshauptversammlung des NABU Vulkaneifel, Hillesheim, Germany